Saturday, December 22, 2012

Funny moments in our life

       Absolutely love this man of mine. We have been married for almost seven months now and I can't believe how fast the time has flown. We've shared laughs, tears, trials and fears but I can't seem to get over how lucky I am to have him in my life. These are the rest of our bridal photos, done by Jess Roussel Photography:) We had a lot of fun taking them and many of them we were laughing at either Jess or Sky as they were just being their goofy selves. I am truly grateful for my loving family      and how well they seem to put up with me.

         Especially Craig, he was teasing me yesterday about changing my mind over and over again. Many women know and understand this concept of choosing the one you want at the moment but if it changes not caring but just going with the flow. All poor Craig could say was " I just don't understand how girls change their mind so much, I wonder if Heavenly Father feels this way sometimes". Oh how I do love him:). Even better though, was when we were watching the season finale of "The Voice" with some friends and Bruno Mars came on to sing. Craig said, "Wow the way that guy is dressed makes him look like Bruno Mars"... Everyone looked at him and said, well it is Bruno Mars. We all had a good laugh and he joked saying he knew that... Ha ha ha. Ya right hun:)
               But Christmas is just around the corner and all the presents are wrapped, mailed, and ready for Tuesday. Some how it doesn't feel like Christmas. I sort of feel like Charlie Brown. Wondering what Christmas is all about. I asked my Primary Class last week what they thought of when they thought of Christmas and all of them drew the nativity scene and all said Jesus. That really is it, we celebrate, Jesus Christ our Savior's birth. Oh how grateful I am that He chose to live a perfect life and be a sacrifice for me so I can one day return and live with my Heavenly Father for Eternity. Just as He has.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Finally took pictures...

Please notice his white sketchers lol.... not intentional! We just forget his Sunday shoes. (I will tease him about this for many years to come... :}
Our sweet amazing Jessica took our bridal photos this past Sunday. I have only seen one edited but I love it and am looking forward to seeing the rest of them! Today I am grateful for the peace of mind prayer brings. I was driving to Craig's work to bring him some dinner and my tire blew! I was grateful that no one scary/ sketchy was around and that someone even offered to help. I managed to get the doughnut on quickly and be on my way. I'm grateful that my parents taught me self reliance and my stubbornness didn't get in the way:) That is all for now.

Friday, November 9, 2012

My better half

Craig and I both work for the same company, but we never see each other at work... He and I have many different clients and work schedules. Tonight is one of them. He works until two am... every time he works this shift, I can never seem to feel complete until he comes home. Our small one bedroom apartment seems to echo the silence that he normally fills. I love being married to this wonderful man and I am so grateful that he chose to keep me as his eternal companion.

He does drive me crazy at times though... he is far too much like his father for my liking. At least in one aspect... (I love his parents to death:) His dad told us of how he used to open his Christmas presents early as a kid and play with them while his parents were gone. They never knew... Craig picked up on this  tradition and continues to carry it out. I have already ordered most of his Christmas presents and he knows what almost every single one is and when it is coming. Luckily the office secretary (who receives most of our packages and we pick them up from her office) and I are good friends and she won't let Craig get any of the packages. But one of them came to the door and he opened it before I could retrieve it( it was a movie he had been wanting). He searched all over the house for it and didn't find it, but convinced me that we needed to watch it and that I could wrap it for him later... oh my husband... But I do love him:) Good thing he loves me too.

Friday, November 2, 2012

5 Months today!

Today, I've been married for five months to the best man I know and my best friend:) Yesterday we've been together for a year and a half. Time does fly in our little house. I have loved every minute of it! Happy anniversary darling! I love you so much and am so grateful for your strong, sweet and kind ways that always keep me smiling.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Hey! we're Craig and Meghan.
This is one of the most beautiful parts of thatcher. The Gila Bend.
 Well to all who know us, yes I've started blogging our life. I don't know how on top of it I will be but I will do my very best. So if you don't know us, here is our story.... We were both going to school in Thatcher, AZ at Eastern Arizona College. Both studying different majors and both busy with different things. Craig was an accounting major from New Mexico, was on the golf team and spent all of his spare time studying and practicing golf. I was Vet Science Major from Gilbert, AZ, worked at a a local Vet Clinic, and spent all of my spare time studying and hanging out with my roommates and various other people who traveled through our little blue house. It was chance really, that we met... luckily my roommate Macy was good friends with Craig and happened to bring him over one night to hang out after a volleyball game. I was busy studying for my Spanish Final with my friend Andrea when he walked in... that was kind of it for me. He flashed me that winning smile of his and I was a goner. He volunteered to help us study for the final since it was oral and we made a game out of the flash cards we were using. Somehow he won the game(even though he doesn't know any Spanish... he must have cheated). But when we finished studying he went over to talk to Macy while we studied for something else. All night long I kept catching him looking at me and than we would both blush and laugh. Later on after everyone else went to bed. He stayed and talked with me till three in the morning. We talked about everything.. I don't know how, but I immediately trusted him with my thoughts that I couldn't seem to share with anyone else. (We later decided that we must have been the same way in the preexistence). After that night we were inseparable for the two weeks we had til he moved home for the summer. We went to the Temple to do baptisms, he took me to the Golf course and taught me how to chip and putt and kissed me on our second date:). And we talked for hours every night, usually under the stars. Sadly, when our two weeks were up and he was all packed to head home. We decided to have one more night out under the stars. He was going to leave after an early round of golf the next day so we probably wouldn't be able to say goodbye. I was dreading him leaving... but was grateful for the short time we had together. We promised we would keep in touch and parted ways.
This is us during a hike on Mt. Graham in Thatcher... we didn't know till later, but we were lost!

         Well he let me know when he got home and  we talked on the phone for about three hours. Which became our nightly routine. And before I knew it, we made plans for him to come back and visit (we used the excuse of Macy getting married, but we were only at the wedding for a short time). Two weeks later, I came down to Albuquerque for a late birthday. And two weeks after that, he came back to Thatcher looking for a job and got one. So we spent maybe a month apart before he moved back. Funny how four months turned into one and and a half. 
 We dated causally and than seriously for about seven months and he (finally) proposed Jan 7, 2011. Happy New Year to us! We we sealed in the Mesa Temple on June 2nd and have the happiest life together:)